The New Age movement in churches: an introduction
On my journey coming out of the NAR movement, there was so much to unlearn. I had many questions about the teachings I've heard for all those years. For example, what are we really supposed to know about the “realm of the Spirit”, “new revelations” or “Christ consciousness”? If it looks and sounds biblical, then why is it not? I was quite ignorant about the New Age, thoughtless of its influence in Christianity! But the Lord opened my eyes and I grieved… So in this post The New Age movement in churches: an introduction, I'd like to cover on what I'll call a tragedy. Let's therefore look at what the New Age movement is about and its disturbing influence on the church. Finding out there is an alternative spirituality In all honesty, deconstructing the NAR and charismatic teachings was a lot of work! It's hard to admit you were wrong for so long and believed a lie. Really, it's only possible by God's grace. It's a matter of seeking the Lord and dive into your Bible. Reading in context is key. Past the prosperity gospel As time went, I was gradually understanding there was a certain spirituality to the…