Why this blog and the urgent need for sound doctrine

If you’ve read about me, or my story, you will probably understand the reason for this blog. Or, maybe you haven’t read it yet, and that’s OK! Either way, this post will cover the motivations behind this blog, Kyrios Christos.

In a nutshell, my story is one from the occult to Christ, and from spiritual abuse to sound doctrine. God knows how much I searched the internet to make sense of the Bible and come out of deception! In the same manner, I pray my blog can be just like the ones I have come across, sharing the true light and helping someone out there. Having now a strong conviction on the validity and solidity of reformed teachings, I hope to also share the true light.

Therefore, Kyrios Christos is there (among many other websites, blogs, and ministries) to help people out of deceit and into sound doctrine, by exposing false beliefs and educating and sharing true biblical knowledge (to the best that I can!).

Now, besides my personal story (which is my actual #1 reason), let’s look closer at four other reasons behind the existence of this blog.

1. Conviction for sound doctrine to be taught

Doctrine simply means teaching. Sound doctrine = healthy teaching.

Jesus went about teaching, He had a doctrine (John 7:16) — a doctrine that astonished people or provoked the religious leaders. What this means for us as believers is that we also have to abide in His teaching (Acts 2:42).

The Bible is very clear and strict on the importance of teaching the doctrine of the Lord.

1 Timothy 4:16 : Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.

1 Timothy 6:3-4 : If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing.

2 John 1:9 : Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son.

I certainly hold in high regard the importance of teaching (ministry) and of Christians being biblically educated. Indeed, I believe God’s children must be taught solid, sound, biblical doctrine so they can know the God they serve. They must be built and stand strong in the Truth, able to discern.

Pastors, therefore, must be teachers of God’s Word, feeding the flock with the right food, the “whole counsel of god” – not diluted, not altered, not twisted. Pastors should not be motivational speakers seeking a platform for the sake of showcasing their lives, stories, and charisma above God’s Word to entertain the flock. This is spiritually unhealthy. This only creates weak and confused Christians with a lower view of God, depending on a man (the pastor/prophet), making themselves prey for the devil.

On the contrary, Christians standing firm on the truth, on the solid ground of sound doctrine, grow in maturity, in faith, and assurance. They become a lot more stable emotionally or mentally.

False doctrines and heresies have always been around as a threat to the gospel. But one of the ills of this present age is that heresies from the New Age, Eastern mysticism, Gnosticism, and even the Kabbalah (and others) have subtly permeated the church with a Christian facade, yet changing the face of Christianity. The spiritual fences that keep the church grounded on the solid ground of teaching have come down.

2. The sad state of modern Christianity

Building on this first point on doctrine, it is becoming obvious that with the decrease of sound teaching, there has been increasing digression and deception in biblical teachings and church practices within the last decades.

Sadly, the world has entered the church and the church has become more shallow, or superficial.

Have you recently heard that, in the West, we are in a post-Christian era? Should it surprise us?

Ironically, churches have multiplied and grown in membership. Mega churches with lavishly decorated buildings have become a common thing, busy with conferences and concerts. Christian TV channels are broadcasting 24/7, and contemporary music worship has competed with secular music. Crowds are flocking in, yet, the fear of God and reverence for His Word has weakened, and the true message of sin and repentance has been watered down.

This formatted, commercialized (or mediatized) gospel seems to have seduced the modern (western) everyday Christian. He likes the modern church and what it has to offer.

How does this manifest? Perhaps, he forgets to study his Bible to verify what has been preached. He’s excited about the next feel-good Sunday fix; about the worship experience building up to high emotions, or about receiving a solution to his problems. He needs the self-help therapeutic, motivational (or ‘powerful’) messages on how to break breakthrough, how to prosper, or even how to enter spiritual dimensions for the next blessing. Not only that, but he’s even looking at how to dominate and charter the course of his life from the prophetic realm. What’s more, he might be looking for deliverance from demons.

Tragically, the modern Christian loves the world, but he doesn’t know it. He loves something that is disguised as Christianity and he can’t discern he’s been deceived.

Unfortunately, a growing number of Christians now seem uneducated about the Bible and the Christian faith they pretend to live and portray. They can’t always discern what is biblical and what isn’t. It would be ignorant to say that this doesn’t matter and doesn’t affect Christians.

As well as misrepresenting God and dishonouring him, the perversion, the superficiality, and the compromising of the gospel are not harmless. It definitely will affect its hearers, leading to self-delusion and instability, even opening the door to the enemy.

3. Defending the Sovereignty of God

The truth is, that the modern (western) church has put man at the centre.

The core Christian belief in the Sovereignty of God is not taught as it ought to be. It has been largely diminished to the profit of an exalted role of man. The gospel has gradually become self-centred, which is purely a corruption of the gospel. It is, in fact, demonic. Let’s not forget, that it started in the Garden of Eden: the serpent seduced Eve into exalting herself, tempting her to become like God through knowledge.

It’s that simple — if it is about self, it no longer is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The false gospel puts man at the centre. The true gospel puts the Lord, Jesus Christ, at the centre.

For an understanding on the Sovereignty of God:
The Sovereignty of God, from Grace Church (John MacArthur).

4. Getting into the Right Theology

Another sad observation is that reasoning has often gone out the window. In Charismatic circles, it is now about attributing whatever experience, feelings, and emotions (works of the flesh) as a manifestation of God. We leave our brains behind, we let the show begin… as spectators and receivers, we have mistaken the church pulpit with the entertainment of the world.

The Word of God is no longer enough, it seems. We now need the spiritual experience, the dreams, the visions, the prophecies. Doctrine and theology sound like big boring words for many and with our busy lives, there’s barely time to study the Bible.

Theology is the study of religious faith and practices, as well as the study of God. In this post, we are referring to the study of God from the biblical perspective.

As Christians, how can we study God? Through the Scriptures, His Word. This isn’t about being a theologian with a PhD! We do have this responsibility to study, just like the Bereans (Acts 17:11). We must check everything, use our reasoning, and ask ourselves the right questions.

This being said, one could comment: “But as long as the Gospel is preached, theology doesn’t matter, we don’t need doctrines. Doctrines and denominations are man-made. I don’t care about theology, I go to church, I read my Bible, I’m a happy Christian, I am not deceived, I’m OK”.

Granted, you may be a happy Christian. But how do you know you are not in error? After all, we do not know when we are deceived…

So, why should we bother about theology?

For Christians, the study of theology is undeniably linked to the study of God’s Word, which is of the utmost importance for spiritual growth and sanctification. It is essential, and besides it being God’s will, the benefits are many :

  1. it strengthens our faith (Colossians 2:6-7)
  2. it makes us grow in the knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18)
  3. it makes us participate in sanctification (John 17:17)
  4. it helps us discern truth from error (Psalm 119:160)
  5. it equips us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:17)
  6. it will honour God and God will honour you (Heb 11:6)
  7. it frees us (John 8:31-32)

As you can see, studying theology for a Christian builds him up and protects him. His knowledge of God’s Word is a defense against sin, temptation, deception, and error.

For more details:
Why should I study Theology?, Godquestions.org
Why We Should Study Theology, G3 ministries


The fact is that, consciously or unconsciously, many yearn to come out of a wrong belief system, of a false version of Christianity, and long to know the truth, the true Gospel and the true Christ. But it isn’t an easy road to navigate. It takes a scrapping away of some of your (wrong) foundations, and that’s painful. However, such a process is only possible by God’s grace and for His glory. By His spirit, He will remove the scale of our eyes. May He have mercy on us!

I’d like to end this with the following thought :

We may have at some point chosen to worship God in a way that isn’t biblical. Maybe we have put man at the centre — whether it be ourselves, a pastor, or by adapting the Bible to suit our desires, etc. If that is so, we have made an idol. We have made a god in our own image, and this is the great sin of idolatry.

In such a case, we must repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness. In His great mercy, He will have compassion and cleanse us. He will give us a new start and take place as the Sovereign God in our lives and hearts. He cannot only be just the Saviour, He must be the Lord, the Kyrios Christos.

Now that you know the reason for this blog, I pray you’ll be blessed by whatever I’ll be sharing — things that can point and lead to sound doctrine, break down false teachings, educate us, and straighten out our theology.

All for His glory.

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